Meeting Archives

2022 Spring: Online Meetings February 17th & 24th

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Ron Claybon, Executive Director, COQA
COQA Spring Introductions

David Braziel, CEO, RBN Energy
Shifts in Gulf Coast Crude Fundamentals: Changes in Supply/Demand and Flows

This presentation outlined RBN Energy’s projections for the world postCOVID, including refining, production and imports, production by grade, exports and inventories, and the impact on prices.

Duncan Baillie, 
The unwanted, costly commercial impact of thermodynamic hydrate inhibitors on produced fluids

Operators must secure maximum export revenue and retain environmental compliance, through management of fluids containing methanol and MEG. This presentation argues for a a low cost alternative to gas chromatography for MEG methanol and THPS analysis.

Jenny Nelson, 
Application Scientist, 
The Role of Elemental Analysis in the Petroleum Business and Recent Efforts Towards ASTM Crude Oil Methods

This technical presentation spoke about petroleum elemental composition and metal distribution in crude oil. It detailed GC-ICP-MS, V & Ni signatures for different crudes, deep-cut VGO and other elemental analysis techniques for crude oil. It concluded on recent efforts towards ASTM Crude Oil Methods.


Duane Rowan, Sensia Global & David Alexander, Haverly Systems
Sensia Measurement: Cloud-based platform to better manage Blending Activities

Sensia is developing a blending technology platform that overcomes the blending challenges of the industry, combining the technologies of Cloud platforms, control systems, engineered solutions.


Randy Segato, PresidentCanadian Crude Quality Technical Association

CCQTA Projects Update

This presentation provided a status update on recent CCQTA projects.


Matthew Goitia,Peaker Energy
Feedstocks, Marketing, and Quality of Renewable Diesel

This presentation began with an industry snapshot of the renewable diesel market, provided an overview of plants, feedstocks, and production, and concluded with a roadmap for RD Sales/exchange operations.