Meeting Archives
2021 Summer: Online Sessions, June 3rd & June 10th
Download Presentation SlidesThank you to all of our participants in this online meeting and special thank you to our presenters:
Thursday, June 3rd
Dennis Sutton, Executive Director, COQA
COQA Online Session Introductions
Tony Nguyen, SVP Global Innovations & Technical Services, MAX Midstream
Dan House, Global Head of Trading, MAX Midstream
Quality Considerations in US Gulf Coast Crude Pricing
This presentation provided details on MAX Midstream’s infrastructure and crude quality initiatives. MAX is developing the Port of Calhoun as the only USGC port with all four modes of transport on the water, as well as expanding pipeline and terminal projects (Edna, Seahawk) connecting the port to the Eagle Ford as well as to export markets in Europe and Mexico. The presentation concluded with the company’s analytical strategy for ensuring crude quality across their assets.
Martin Tallett, Senior Consultant, Solomon Associates
William Peltier, Strategic Advisory Services Group Manager, Solomon Associates
Energy Transition: Implications for Refining & Logistics
This presentation analyzed the ongoing Energy Transition and then situate crude quality within it. It outlined sustainable development scenarios, refinery closures, new investment, and implications for North American logistics. Finally, it asked what it all means for crude quality, how the refinery of the future will value quality, and how GHG measurements will become increasingly important.
John Lovell, VP Technology & Strategy, MicroSilicon Inc.
Real Time Online Asphaltene Measurement
This technical presentation spoke about the paramagnetism of asphaltene molecules in crude oil and how they can be measured and fingerprinted upstream in real time using new technology. It also raised the question as to whether there could be mid- or downstream applications for the technology and whether metals measurements were also of value.
Randy Segato, President, CCQTA
CCQTA Projects Update
The presentation outlined the activities and projects underway at the Canadian Crude Quality Technical Association in 2021. Highlighted projects included: Pipeline Corrosion, Partially Upgraded Bitumen Transportability & Processability, Light Ends Characterization, & Light Oil Fouling.
Thursday, June 10th
Dennis Sutton, Executive Director, COQA
COQA Online Session Introductions
Frederick Stubbins, Interpret Business Director for Exploration & Production Services, Intertek Caleb Brett (UK)
Rapid Crude Quality Monitoring – Extracting Maximum Value
This presentation provided an update on the real time crude quality measurements of Intertek’s Interpret program including how it models and how it can optimize refinery operations.
Joseph Leto, President, EAI CrudeHub Inc.
Justin Hedus, Consultant – Global Resources Group, EAI CrudeHub Inc.
North America Crude Business: Integrated Perspective, Insights, and Outlooks
This presentation provided data and forecasts with respect to production trends, light product demand, US refinery capacity, and refinery conversions and closures. It focused first upon California refineries, before turning to the Permian, Delaware Basin, and Gulf of Mexico, highlighting trends with respect to supply, demand, and carbon intensity.
Panel Discussion: COQA Past, Present, & Future
Dennis Sutton, Executive Director, COQA
Ron Claybon, Incoming Executive Director, COQA
Hillary Stevenson, Director, Oil Market And Business Development, Short-term Analytics, Wood Mackenzie
Tyler Caughman, Crude Product Quality Manager, Magellan Midstream Partners