Meeting Archives
2021 Fall: Houston - Sugar Land, TX, October 27-28
Download Presentation SlidesThank you to all of our participants and special thank you to our presenters.
Thursday, October 28th
Ron Claybon, Executive Director, COQA
COQA Fall 2021 Introductions
Ha Nguyen, Executive Director, Global Oil, IHS Markit
Green Rules: Crude quality in the age of energy transition
This presentation outlined IHS Markit’s two main scenarios for the energy transition. The first projected global supply and demand decreasing by 50% by 2050 (“Green Rules” scenario), and the other a reduction of 16% (“Inflections” scenario). It went on to outline how sweet and sour crude slates might be affected on a global scale, and where production could decline the most.
Ian Burgess, President, Validere
Crude Quality Management 2.0: Implementing System-Level Optimization
By looking at diagnostics from a high level, this presentation focused on forecasting and forecasting errors, quality giveaways, system imbalances, and causes of poor operational control. It then looked at how software and data management tools can help optimize a company’s crude quality operations.
Peter Spitz, Director of Technology Development, AmSpec
Amines Use in our Industry –Standardization Testing Update and Alternate Chemistry Bench Experiments
This technical presentation spoke about amines and fouling that arises from the use of amine scavengers. It detailed the types of tests being done to mitigate the issue, highlighting that there is not a standard method. It then went on to discuss progress towards testing standardization, the results of an AmSpec scavenger experiments study and the AmSpec Approach to Tramp Amines Testing.
Mel Larson, Manager – Strategic Consulting, Becht Engineering
How the Energy Transition May Change Crude Oil Demand and Quality Control
This presentation provides a holistic, strategic planning framework considering the energy transition and its potential impact on crude oil demand and quality control. The context includes a high-level view of market effects for capital, crudes, and products that feed the company strategic plans.
Satbir Nayar, Senior Product Manager for Petroleum, XOS
ASTM 8252 Update
This presentation provided a status update and next steps for this method for measuring nickel and vanadium.
Dave Lord, Chemical Engineer, Sandia National Laboratories
Joe Hogge, Chemical Engineer, Sandia National Laboratories
Vapor Pressure Sampling for the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve 2020 Exchange for Storage
This presentation detailed:
- Oil Vapor Pressure: Why it Matters at SPR
- Oil Layering: Why it Matters at SPR
- Exchange for Storage 2020
- Vapor Pressure Sampling during Exchange for Storage 2020
- Primary Findings from Vapor Pressure Sampling
- Utility of Findings for:
- Sales/exchange operations
- Vapor Pressure Sampling/Analysis Method Development
Mike Wittner, Head: Oil Market Research, Intercontinental Exchange Group Inc
ICE Midland WTI American Gulf Coast Futures
This presentation provided extensive detail on ICE Midland WTI American Gulf Coast (AGC) Futures, the USGC contract that is being re-developed (for 2022). It focused in particular on why is this USGC contract is being re-developed, USGC crude fundamentals, and features of the ICE Midland WTI American Gulf Coast crude oil futures contract (including quality parameters).
Kesavalu Bagawandoss, General Manager – Gulf Coast, SGS North America
Implications of Firefighting Foam utilized over the years in the Oil and Gas Industry
This presentation looked at PFAs, a forever chemical and it’s sources and uses in the oil industry. It then detailed the health effects, regulations, the methods/standards (including those recommended by SGS), as well as sampling and treatment.
Arden Strycker, Crude Oil Assay Manager, SGS North America
COQA Light Sweet Crude Subcommittee Update