Meeting Archives
2019 Summer: Oklahoma City, OK, May 29-30
Download Presentation SlidesCOQA Oklahoma City
Skirvin Hotel
May 29-30, 2019
Thank you to our event sponsors:
Dennis Sutton, COQA
Josh Baskett, Continental Resources
Continental Resources: The Future of Marketed Barrels
Beginning with an overview of Continental Resources’ asset base, this presentation detailed the company’s vision going forward in light of growth in US production, growth in the export market, and development along the Gulf Coast. The presentation concluded with a summary of quality concerns of foreign buyers.
Hillary Stevenson, Genscape
Cushing Infrastructure, Prices, and Quality
Hillary spoke to Genscape’s monitoring technology in the Cushing region and how it has tracked storage and pipeline infrastructure over the years, pointing t the ways that cycles in use and development in Oklahoma have had an impact on a national scale. The presentation concluded with a look at how pipeline utilization and capacity affect quality.
Dan Brusstar, CME Group
CME Group and the Implementation of the WTI Specifications
This presentation provided an update on the recent Cushing deliveries, explained how WTI Quality is meeting the new specs and detailed the benefits of adopting the COQA WTI specs, including how refiners benefit from stable and certain quality, how stable WTI Quality will transform the global market, and finally, how new supply sources will increase competition globally.
Larry Tucker, Metrohm USA
New ASTM Standard D8045 Thermometric Titration for Acid Number in Crude Oils and Petroleum Products
A history of the development of the Thermometric Titration method for TAN was followed by a comparison to ASTM D664, highlighting the potential industry benefits of the newer method, which was suggested as the method to be used in the Domestic Sweet Specifications at Cushing.
Ha Nguyen, IHS Markit
Sour Crude Scramble: Global Heavy Crude Slates
With a particular focus on South America (especially Venezuela, but not exclusively), this presentation looked at the impact of key events on the global movement and quality of crude. It highlights how the global crude slates (and Chinese imports) are becoming lighter and sweeter due to US and Brazilian production spikes and sanctions on Venezuela and Iran.
David Braziel, RBN Energy
The Effects of Domestic Supply and Demand on Exports
This presentation began with a look at regional growth in US production and high refinery utilization, before turning to the question of exports, where the focus was on future growth, price differentials, facility locations and capacities, and the geopolitical impact.
Jon Bargas, OIPA-OKOGA
Unapologetically Fueling a Stronger Oklahoma
Jon’s presentation looked broadly at the critical role of the crude oil industry in Oklahoma and on a national scale, focusing on drilling growth, meeting environmental challenges, and the social and educational impact of the industry. Here is a video from the presentation.
Ian Burgess, Validere
Accuracy and Interface Classification in Sediment and Water Testing in the Field
Ian’s presentation began with a comparison of test methods for water content in the lab and field (Centrifuge, Karl Fischer Titration, Interface Testing). He then quantified interface layers (wax, emulsion, asphaltene, etc.) with UV imaging in centrifuge tests before answering the question: How much water do interface layers contain and what is the best way to measure total water in your sample
Thank you to all presenters and attendees.